Monday, December 27, 2010

Here Comes a New Year

Well, this is the time of year for looking back and looking forward, isn't it?

I've been teaching for a little more than a year.  It's too bad I wasn't keeping a blog the whole time because I would like to look back in more detail at both problems and successes.  I do have reflections typed up at the end of each lesson plan, but these are specifically about the quality of the lesson plan itself.  I wish I had been able to reflect, dream, gripe and think aloud at a higher level.

Of course, I didn't have time for such things.  As a new teacher, I spent a LOT of time over-preparing for classes.  I also spent a LOT of time collecting and reporting data inefficiently and/or incorrectly.  I wasted a LOT of paper making photocopies I didn't need.  I schlepped a LOT of stuff around that I didn't use in the classroom.

So, what are some good New Year's Resolutions for a second year teaching English to adults in Philadelphia? Let's see ...

1) Take a swig of my own medicine: I support students in examining their long-term goals and setting associated short-term goals. It's been a while since I thought out my own goals.  Time for a review!

2) Keep up with this blog, as a tool for higher-level reflection.

3) Pay more attention to the work/home balance.  Don't take on "extra" work (self-assigned or requested) unless it specifically supports particular goals and is properly prioritized.