Sunday, November 27, 2011

The Upshot

Of course, a shift in perspective from "hierarchical" to "organic" isn't something that happens just because I announce that it's so!  Habits have a way of sticking around.  It will take some time.  It'll sometimes be tough to reconcile with others (husband, peers in my age group at work, for example).  Here are a few places where I'm beginning to make some changes:

Blogging. I've been blogging in one form or another for years, but it's been with a Web 1.0 attitude (I control the content, you're welcome to come look at it and maybe I'll look at your blog too).  Attitude shift: actively find and read good ELT blogs, share their links, comment and contribute.  Encourage comments on my own blog.

Bookmarks. I moved my giant hierarchically-organized list of browser bookmarks to diigo and have been adding to it for a few weeks.  Groom the tags, make it public and share it on my blog and with like-minded groups.

The Classroom.  I am taking on a new class in December.  I would like to set their expectations right at the outset toward a more organic approach (unplugged).  This will take some time and will surely include trial and error.  I'll also need to make sure expectations of my management continue to be met.  Stay tuned!

File Management.  I moved to a few months ago.  It's excellent!  I haven't tried cloud collaboration yet.  Maybe soon.

A PLN. My local peers are mostly not Web 2.0 oriented.  Yet.  I would like to support those who are and see if we can build in a slow, organic way.  I think a wiki might be the way to go.  In the meantime, I really need support.  I'm looking to the Internet for now. I'm reading many blogs (see my blogrolls!) and trying to participate in the Dogme ELT group at Yahoo. I'm also reading a number of books (will comment on them later).